JCAM Community Fund

The JCAM Community Fund Committee receives applications from non-profit organizations, groups or individuals twice a year, with deadlines March 31 and September 30, for projects that meet the goal of the fund.

The goal of the fund is to assist organizations, groups, and individuals in undertaking projects to promote educational, cultural, human rights, and other activities and programs contributing to the betterment of the Japanese Canadian community in Manitoba.

Organizations must submit:
list of directors, constitution and by-laws, mandate or statement of its purpose and its goals, most recent approved annual financial statement and the current fiscal year’s budget of projected revenue and expenditures including the list of other funders.

Groups must submit:
list of the officers, statement of its purposes and an outline of its activities, most recent financial records, the current fiscal year’s budget and projected revenue and expenditures, including the list of other sources of funds and grants received, and letters of reference or endorsement.

Individuals must submit:
a resume, a letter of reference, a letter of financial reference from an officer of a recognized financial institution, and amounts and sources of other grants received in the previous two years.

Application forms are available from the Centre office or download a copy HERE

Submit application to:

JCAM Community Fund Committee
180 McPhillips Street
Winnipeg, MB
R3E 2J9

Deadline for applications is March 31 and September 30 of any given year.







非営利法人の申請は、Directors(理事)一覧、 Constitution(定款)、 By-laws(細則)、Mandate or statement of its purpose and its goals(事業目的)、最新の承認された年次財務諸表、本年度の予算(他の助成金収入を含む)を申請書に添付してご提出ください。 

団体の申請は、Officers(役員)一覧、Statement of its purpose(事業目的)、Outline of its activities(事業概要)、昨年度の財務諸表、本年度の予算(他の資金源及び助成金を含む)、Letters of reference or endorsement(推薦状)を申請書に添付してご提出ください。 

個人の申請は、Resume(履歴書)、letter of reference(推薦状)1銀行等が発行したLetter of financial reference 1通、過去2年間に受けた助成金及び補助金の給付団体名と金額を申請書に添付してご提出ください。 

申請書は、JCAM窓口もしくは、JCAM ウェブサイトからダウンロードしてください。 



JCAM Community Fund Committee 

180 McPhillips Street 

Winnipeg, MB R3E 2J9 


Email: info@jcamwpg.ca